Publié le 08/08/2018Our 3eESC attended the third edition of Feed your Brain Now in Belval on November 15th. Two teams, one from the University of Luxembourg and the other from Miami University’s John E. Dolibois European Center in Luxembourg (MUDEC), debated against each other. Their theme: Will fake news be our downfall? The teams came prepared as they had gotten professional coaching by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Dhiraj Sabharwal (Tageblatt) and journalist David Broman (Le Jeudi). A jury, comprised of Christel Baltes Lohr (National Ethics Commission), Gérard Zens (Principal of the International School Differdange) and Thorunn Egilsdottir (Senior marketing manager Editpress) decided whose debating skills deserved the first place. The University of Luxembourg debate team ultimately won the award for the second year in a row. At the same time, students had the opportunity to look around the University Campus. The students were accompanied by their English teacher. Viviana GIAMPAOLO – 11/2017